Mental Health Slogans & Sayings

Mental Health Slogans & Sayings

Many people commit suicide daily because of mental health disorders. There is a need to create awareness among people regarding mental health.

In this post, we are sharing Mental health slogans & sayings that can be used to educate people about the importance of mental health.

Mental Health Slogans


I intend to survive


Mental health matters

Mental Health Slogans - Depression is a flaw in Chemistry not character

Depression is a flaw in Chemistry not character


Life won’t seem like such a mess, take time to relax and relieve stress

Mental Health Slogans - If You Feel Like Life Is Sinking, Try Positive Thinking!

If You Feel Like Life Is Sinking, Try Positive Thinking!


The struggle is real


Mental illness is not a choice, but recovery is


Depression is an illness, not a weakness


Enjoy life, don’t live with strife


MIND your health


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I know what it’s like to be afraid of your own mind

Mental Health Slogans - Daily stress can leave your health a mess

Daily stress can leave your health a mess


Not all wounds are visible


Pain is real. But so is hope.


To be healthy as a whole, Mental wellness plays a role

short mental health slogans -  Your struggle is part of your story

Your struggle is part of your story


A healthy mind, is the greatest treasure to find


A healthy body should include, mental wellness and positive mood


Mental Health Sayings


Each time you set a healthy boundary, you say yes to more freedom.


Madness is to think of too many things in succession too fast, or of one thing too exclusively.


Don’t make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.

Depression slogans - Self-forgiveness is essential for self-healing

Self-forgiveness is essential for self-healing.


Read Also: Healthy Heart Slogans & One-liners


Surviving a psychiatric crisis is one thing. Overcoming one is something completely different.


It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.

mental health slogans - Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.


When everything feels like an uphill, Just think positive and have a strong will.


“There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business.” -Vikram Patel


“We need to change the culture of this topic and make it OK to speak about mental health and suicide.” -Luke Richardson


“A desire to be in charge of our own lives, a need for control, is born in each of us. It is essential to our mental health, and our success, that we take control.” -Robert Foster Bennett


“We have seen that two heads are better than one when dealing with a mental health problem.” – Kate Middleton


“Change the way we all talk to each other about our mental health.” -Kate Middleton


“Unfortunately, we force people to break the law in order to get any kind of mental health treatment.” -Pete Earley

Mental health sayings - Overnight stardom can be harmful to your mental health. Yeah. It has ruined a lot of people." -Clint Eastwood

“Overnight stardom can be harmful to your mental health. Yeah. It has ruined a lot of people.” -Clint Eastwood


“I see taking care of my emotional and mental health in the same way that I see taking care of a garment: After it’s been through wear and tear, it needs attention.” -Gina Barreca


“Exercise keeps me occupied, which is good for my mental health.” -Gail Porter

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